Would you like to sponsor become a sponsor for the UM-Flint Student Scholarship?
Sponsorships are open to anyone(business, individual, etc..). All levels are outlined above and the sponsorship is downloadable here. For questions regarding sponsorship levels, please contact: Dan Sherman or Rob Hollenback. Below you can find the available sponsorship levels, options for online donation, and instructions for donating via check to receive a gift receipt.

Need a copy of the Sponsorship flyer? Download here.
For the 2024 Outing, we need your payment by: June 3, 2024.
If you would like to pay Online(you will not receive an official gift receipt):
Please select one of the buttons below to make your donation online via credit card (processed by PayPal).
Please note: If the PayPal option is used, you will NOT be mailed an official gift receipt that can be used for tax purposes. If you would like an official gift receipt, please follow the directions below for mailing a check to the University.
If you would like to write a check directly to the University and receive an official gift receipt:
Please mail a check to:
University Advancement
432 N. Saginaw St., Suite 1001
Flint, MI 48502
Please make the check out to “University of Michigan” and on the memo/business purpose line write “Ken Heiser Endowed Fund”
The University of Michigan is a charitable organization and, if eligible, you will receive gift credit with the university. Upon receiving your gift, you will be mailed an official gift receipt that can be used for tax purposes.